Working as part of a small team and given an example report and feedback from the project owner, the student will analyze and deconstruct the report to design and build a database capable of producing that report.
Module Objectives
- After completing Tutorial 01 in the course textbook, a student will list fields from an example report containing 20 or more fields with 100% accuracy using the team wiki.
- After completing Tutorial 02 in the course textbook, a student will discuss with team members the relationship of each field in a list of 20 or more fields to all other fields using database specific terminology and create grouped lists (tables) with 90% accuracy using Elluminate.
- After reading Appendix A in the course text book, swill analyze each table, add necessary fields which are not shown on the sample report, and and classify the Key field(s) in each table according to its specific function with 90 – 100% accuracy using the team wiki.
- After reading the supplemental material on Many-to-Many Relationships, the student team will illustrate the relationships among the tables using the team whiteboard with 70 – 100% accuracy.
The table is using only activities from objectives 1 and 2 at this point.
Bloom categories | Learning objective verbs | Activity |
Knowledge (recall, list, define, identify, collect, label) | Identify, list | Students will open the sample report at the class site and using the example in their assigned course textbook, they will identify and list each field in the report on the team wiki. |
Comprehension (summarize, describe interpret, predict, discuss) | Discuss, describe | Students will discuss and describe the relationship each field listed has to each other field in the list using Elluminate. |
Application (apply, demonstrate, illustrate, classify, experiment, discover) | Demonstrate | Students will demonstrate knowledge of the difference between a label and a fields by listing only fields in their field list on the team wiki. |
Analysis (analyze, classify, connect, explain, infer) | Explain | Students will research two database specific terms, explain their meaning, and post examples on the team wiki. |
Synthesis (combine, integrate, plan, create, design, formulate) | Combine, create | Students will combine their own list of fields with those of their team members to create a master list of fields on the team wiki. |
Evaluation (assess, recommend, convince, compare, conclude, summarize) | Assess, compare | Students will assess their own list of fields, compare it to those of their team members on the team wiki. |
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